Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Neshoba County Fair - 1976

This is really cool. It is a 16mm film shot by Dave Sieg and David Cole at the Neshoba County Fair in 1976 using time-lapse techniques with music by Wil Onstott.

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Youtube from the Fair

And this one is from the Fair Grounds earlier this month...


Blogging the Fair

The Oliphants and Ogletrees both have posted some great pictures of their Neshoba County Fair fun from over the weekend. Meanwhile, here are some updates from Heart O'Dixie participants Matthew Kirk and Larry Cresswell. And here is this general Fair post that discusses the hospitality of cabins from "good day sunshine".

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Monday, July 27, 2009

WTOK Video: Neshoba County Fair Underway



Fair Reports

The Meridian Star reports of catfish royalty and Hard Rock cabins: Fair Fun at Giant House Party.
Bought in 1992 as a solid gray lodge, the cabin of Perry and Lea Ann Mitchell was re-painted five or six years ago in vibrant red and blue with an original theme of "Hard Rock" cabin.

"Whenever we go on vacation, we go to a Hard Rock cafe — so we thought this would be a neat idea," explained Lea Ann Mitchell.

Recognizing that the Neshoba County Fair is an annual vacation for sweet-tea drinkers and potato-salad lovers, the Mitchells appreciate the humble distinctiveness of the Mississippi fair by painting "but for friends all would be loneliness" on the Hard Rock cabin.

And this proves to be true. As sisters pull the wagons of baby brothers from cabin to cabin and popped Coca Cola cans announce the start of a new card game, the Neshoba County Fair bleeds a culture of appreciation and relaxation.
Sid Salter writes about the political speeches this year: Neshoba County Fair puts limits on '09 political speakers.
After the meat-and-potatoes-with-dessert-after political speaking fare of the 2007 statewide general election and the 2008 federal elections, fans of the Neshoba County Fair's unique brand of bare-knuckle, open air political oratory will feel like they've been put on Slim-Fast this year.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fair Times Twitter

The Fair Times (@FairTimes) will be twittering at the Neshoba County Fair this year. Will you be twittering? Use the #ncf hashtag.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fair Starts Friday

The Neshoba County Fair starts this Friday. Be sure become a fan of The Fair Times and the Neshoba Democrat on Facebook to get the latest news from the Fair.

Here is the latest news from The Neshoba Democrat.

120th edition of Neshoba Fair begins Friday

Eleven vie for Miss Neshoba County title

Heart O'Dixie going strong after 30 years

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